Summer Trip to Weitwörther Au

This time on our summer trip to Weitwörther Au, we spotted grey geese and their goslings in a beautiful, colourful meadow on our way from the train station to the ‘Auen Werkstatt’.

After collecting tools, such as mini-sized fishing nets, paint brushes and jars, we headed to the stream where we were then allowed to catch microscopic water animals. On the way there, Torben, our nature expert, pointed out an interesting plant called ‘The Indian Balsam’. This particular plant is an invasive species which causes a lot of damage, and spreads very fast (see photo). It does, however, have very beautiful blossoms.

While searching for microscopic water animals in the stream, we found water spiders, water scorpions, a water stick insect, fish and tadpoles. Unfortunately, the tadpoles and fish were too fast to catch! Our most exciting discovery was when we caught two jellyfish in the fresh water. Even Torben was surprised by our find because they are not a native species to Austria. After some research, Torben informed us that it was called ‘peach blossom jellyfish’. He also sent us the following link so that we could discover more about this species ourselves:

When we arrived back at the workshop, we examined the water animals that we had collected. Each of us in pairs were given a microscope. While observing the insects, some of us found it very creepy, while others found it very interesting. It was amazing how detailed they were when enlarged. They looked very different to when they were just being examined with the human eye.

Our summer excursion to the ‘Auwald’ was great fun, even though we were bitten by fire ants and mosquitos. Sadly, our project ‘The Seasonal Life Cycle of the Auwald’ has come to an end, but we will never forget this very special experience.


By The IC